Saturday, November 24, 2012

A Case of the Giggles

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!! I know that one person I am very thankful for this year is my hubby, Cole...

Start of November I started double dose of clomid so everyday is a constent battle to stay positive! I have had quite a few meltdowns... I am hyper senstive about everything! But Cole has been my rock and even at my finest, he sticks around!! Though everytime I get mad at him (for every little stupid thing) he asks me "are you really mad, or is this the clomid talking?"  Wanna KILL him everytime!! HAHA but he knows how much I am struggling with this and tries to help!

We also had a doctor's appointment on Wednesday, Nov. 21st. This time it wasn't an appointment for me, but for Cole.  Now I know I'm suppose to be an adult and mature about all this stuff but everytime I read the word "ejaculate" and "masturbation" in the lobby that day, I couldn't stop giggling.  I was nervous!! And everyone in that office knew what we were about to do!! hehehe

We got into the room and this room is TINY!! It's a closet!! there's a sink, cabinet, tv/dvd combo (any guesses for what????) and a chair!! Well the nurse goes over everything and then asks if we want a video!! I quickly reply "NO!!" and she just laughs and says "oh, just thought maybe you wanted to have date night or something!" So my giggles become even greater at this point!! As we close the door, Cole starts filling out the paperwork and I am so nervous I am giggling profusely!! Can't stop! Cole looks at me, sighs, and says "I think things would be better if you just go sit in the waiting room."  So away I go to hang out and read a magazine...

So I'm sure you all are wondering the results. Unfortunately we won't know for 7-10 business days... So the beginning of December we should know something.  This might sound weird or terrible to say, but I'm kind of hoping that they say that his count is low.  It would make me feel better knowing that it wasn't just me... I know that might not make sense and I know its terrible to hope for something like that, but there is a small part of me that does and I can't help it!!

So for know we wait (patience isn't my strong suit)!! I will let you know more when I know more!! Until then, thank you again everyone for you love, support and kind words!! I really appreciate you all and am so thankful to have you all in my life.  Also want to give someone a special shout out for the wonderful card and the beautiful serenity prayer bracelet!! I will treasure the kind words and gift forever.