After my miscarriage in June, I bled for almost 2 weeks. (sorry, graphic and TMI but you can't say I didn't warn you!) I didn't get another period until the beginning of September (3 months, follow along because it becomes a pattern) Cole and I got married and were ready to have a baby. Beginning of October came but not my period. "Could we be pregnant again so soon?" Unfortunately we weren't and so we waited and continued to try. November came but again, no period. Took another pregnancy test and staring into that very hurtful stick that stated in all caps NOT PREGNANT I started to realize that something was wrong and missing my period was not normal like this.
Finally in December (3 months after September) I got a period. I also had made a doctors appointment in Pine City. Cole took the day off work and came with me. The doctor that we saw was terrible. She didn't care about what was going on, she didn't want to do any tests, she didn't even suggest doing a pap smear to make sure that everything looked ok down there. She sent me home (after doing a blood pregnancy test ... results=not pregnant) with two assignments. The first was to start taking prenatals. The second was to take my basal temperature every morning. For those of you who don't know what your basal temp is, it's a body temperature that you take first thing in the morning (even before you get out of bed) and it shows where you are in your cycle. The first two weeks of your cycle, your temperature should be 97.1-97.9 and then you ovulate on your third week and your temperature for the third and fourth week of the cycle will be 98.0-98.7. So December I started taking prenatals and every morning woke up, shut my alarm off and stuck a thermometer in my mouth.
The beginning of my third week, low and behold my temp went from 97.3 to 98.5!! I was ovulating! This was such a relief and I stopped stressing. I told myself that it was because I was impatient but that my body was just getting into its natural rythmn and I need to be patiend. In January, I got my period! HOLY CRAP!! periods back to back!! turning point for me! 2012 was gonna be the year! I continued to do my basal temperature and in January, 3rd week like clockwork, I was ovulating! "At a girl Taylor's va-jay-jay!! Getting your crap together"
February came but not the period. Go to the store to purchase another pregnancy test (this is getting expensive!) after 3 minutes that mean, nasty stick was screaming again NOT PREGNANT. I am really starting to hate those stupid pee sticks. They haunt me in my sleep. I had confided everything to a few friends and family members and I even was talking with some of my co-workers about my situation. I kept getting the same response "the more you stress about it, the less likely it will happen" and "don't think about it, it will happen!" How am I NOT suppose to think about it when I was starting my day off EVERY DAY by taking my temperature. Laying in the dark waiting for the thermometer to beep and then write it all down in a calender by my bedside table. I was becoming bitter again and angry and soooo frustrated.
March came and still no period. I swallowed my pride and pee'd on another stick. There is no such thing as a negative positive. And this test said PREGNANT!! holy crap!! yeah! this is so exciting. for all of three weeks I said nothing to anyone. I didn't want to say it out loud and ruin it!!
April came and so did my period?!?! (3 months since my last one) Ok, what the hell just happened?!? This wasn't a miscarriage.(for those of you who laughed when I said I was giving alcohol up for lent and then started drinking half way through it, now you know)
I had also decided that I wasn't impressed with the doctor in Pine City. I had heard nothing but wonderful things about the OBGYN clinic in Wyoming at Fairview Lakes. So I called and made an appointment: I'ld take any doctor! whoever could see me first!
On April 17th, 2012 I went to see Dr. Magnusson. Walking out of that appointment I was crying, with joy and frustration!
More to come in my next blog post! Thank you for reading!
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